瘋狂而充實的週日行程! A full day of crazy but productive schedule!
早上6:30起床趕高鐵,參加台中的學術演講,分享 #洢蓮絲 這兩年來令人興奮的 #膠原新生 的持續成效。
晚上10:30 到家攤在沙發上⋯⋯今天整個加起來三餐吃不到半餐,偶爾用這樣的方式減肥也挺不賴的,
Got up at 6:30am leaving for Taichung (western Taiwan) to present in the first symposium for #Ellansé ,
and rushed back to Taipei by high-speed train for the second lecture for Taipei Pharmacist Association.
Last but not the least, the third symposium of the day for #Ellansé and AQ skin solutions in the evening.
By the time I arrived home, it was already 22:30. Of the three meals of the day,
I barely had a half meal in total, what a good way of dieting! Most importantly,
I am thrilled to have the presence of some of the doctors that I have respected a lot in every symposium!